Art of Hosting
The The Art of Hosting is both a community of practice and a set of approaches and tools for dialogue.
Practices invite hosts to create conditions for people to come together, co-create, learn and to address issues people care about.
In this training we will explore the following:
How can we create resilient, healthy, engaged communities where people in all parts of the system can learn, contribute, thrive and experience belonging within times of uncertainty and complexity?
Personal leadership practices that increase our ability to lead effectively and with presence in uncertainty
Facilitation methods that create the conditions for genuine engagement, contribution, learning and collaboration
Strategic planning that takes into account complex dynamics and prioritizes learning and genuine participation
You will both learn about, experience and apply:
Participatory dialogue methods that help tap into the collective intelligence of groups, such as World Cafe, Circle, Open Space and Proaction Cafe.
Tools for working with equity, difference and diversity while holding a participatory lens on leadership and collaboration
Personal leadership practices for increased self and situational awareness, clarity and alignment in challenging contexts where you are uncertain, fearful, avoidant or stuck
Theory and practice of working with complex challenges
Tools for designing strategic innovation that is inclusive and sustainalbe over time and the work with the complexity of our time instead of against it.
By creating a participatory learning environment, one can invite in all voices to make sense of what is meaningful and relevant.
These practices help integrate diverse perspectives, create conditions for deep listening and leverage shared inquiry.
The Four Fold framework helps summarize four basic patterns that lead to generative dialogue and collaboration.
Whether you are an educator trying to host conversations to collectively reimagine our education systems so that they help everyone be in their full potential, or an engaged citizen trying to organize your community around a common concern, or a leader trying to foster more autonomy and engagement in your team, we believe the Art of Hosting is a practice to help guide you.

Hosting Self
How do we create conditions so that people can show up fully in dialogue?
How can we, as hosts (and facilitators), show up and be fully present to what is happening?
How can we recognize where and when our ego can sometimes gets in the way of good dialogue and collaboration?
Being Hosted
What is the quality of our own listening that we want to bring and practice as we show up in dialogue and in collaborative processes?
How do we cultivate and develop that skill of curiosity?
How do we quiet the voice of judgment and cynicism that sometimes wants to take over?

Hosting Others
How do you build community around a common purpose?
How do we learn to recognize the conversations that are needed, and step into a practice of inviting others into them?
What is a generative question, and how do we craft them?
How do we welcome diversity?
How do we hold space for the emergence of new possibilities and imaginations?
How do we harvest what needs to be?
How do we create conditions so that it can be done collectively?
How do we do this with intention and clarity, so that is can be shared in ways that are accessible and helpful?